
Vickie S. Myers
Welcome to the Defiance County Treasurer's Website. The goal of this office is to provide friendly, courteous service as well as accurate and complete tax and property information in a professional environment.
Vickie S. Myers is the Defiance County Treasurer. The Deputy Treasurers are Amanda Morris, Sara Orozco, and Jenna Baldwin. Their responsibilities include the collection of taxes, which are comprised of real estate property, manufactured home, and estate taxes. In addition, they record all monies received by any other county agencies. This encompasses everything from dog tag license fees and lunch money to MRDD funds and Health Department immunization fees.
In addition to collecting and recording the County money, the Treasurer is responsible for The County Investment Portfolio, which is made up of several investments totaling 55 million dollars. The office maintains various accounts ranging from simple depositories to complex trust accounts that hold all the county investments.
As your County Treasurer and staff, our goal is to assist the Defiance County taxpayers in the most efficient and professional environment possible according to the Ohio Revised Code. Some of the features we have in Defiance County are a conveniently located tax payment drop box, an escrow payment plan for your personal budgeting purposes, a credit card payment plan by telephone or the internet, and automatic withdrawal from your checking and savings account for payment of taxes.
Important Notice - Please Read!
The Defiance County Courthouse is currently undergoing construction. During this time there will be limited parking and limited access to the County Annex Building. While we are open to the public to pay your tax bill(s) in person we would encourage you to make your payments by mail, online, or utilize our drop box located in the alley between the Post Office and Key Bank. Cash payments are discouraged at this time.
Payments can be made by the following:
- Online:
- Call our automated toll-free number at (419) 513-8745
- Credit/Debit Card: 2.5% convenience fee
- eCheck: $2.00
- Credit/Debit Card: 2.5% convenience fee
By mail or in person at:
Defiance County Treasurer
500 W. 2nd St. Suite 101 - P.O. Box 278
Defiance, Ohio 43512
Phone: (419) 782-8741
Credit Card Payments
The Defiance County Treasurer does NOT charge a fee.
You will need the following information:
- Your parcel number is located in the upper right-hand corner of your real estate tax bill. Please use the corresponding number on the keypad.
- Your credit card. You are now ready to enter your payment:
- Dial 1-419-513-8745 or Visit the iPayments
Follow the instructions to enter your payment and credit card information. You will be given a confirmation number. Please keep this number until payment is confirmed on your credit card statement.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much are my taxes?
Call (419) 782-8741 or go to Auditor's Real Estate Search page.
When are taxes due?
Taxes are due February 5th and July 20th of each tax year. If the due date falls on the weekend, taxes will be due the following Monday.
What should I do if I did not receive a tax bill?
You need to obtain a duplicate tax bill. Call (419) 782-8741.
Can I write a personal check for payment of taxes?
Yes, make checks payable to Vickie S. Myers, Defiance County Treasurer.
Can I get a paid receipt for taxes sent by mail?
Yes, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with the entire bill and your payment.
Have my taxes been paid?
Call (419) 782-8741 or go to Auditor's Real Estate Search page.
What is the tax rate for my taxing district?
See the 2024 Tax Rate Sheet.
Can taxes be paid in advance?
Yes, taxes can be pre-paid on a monthly basis using our Escrow Program (also known as the Tax Installment Payment Plan). You may call or stop by the office to start this program. You may also download, complete and return the necessary form. If you wish to have it automatically withdrawn from your bank account, use the Auto-Withdraw Escrow Form. If you prefer to mail in your monthly check with a coupon, use the Manual Escrow Form. Please call our office if you have any questions.
Do you accept credit cards?
We accept credit card payments through a third party. The taxpayer makes these payments by telephone or the Internet with a fee being charged to the taxpayer.
Do you have automatic payment deduction?
Yes, call (419) 782-8741 and ask for an automatic payment contract. You can do this monthly or semi-annually.
How do I make an address change with your office?
Please mail the address change including your name as it appears on your tax bill and your parcel number to:
Defiance County Treasurer
500 West Second St
Suite 101
PO Box 278
Defiance, Ohio 43512
Where do my taxes go, who receives the money?
Call (419) 782-8741 or see the Real Estate Tax information on the Tax Collections page.
Can I appeal the penalty amount?
Yes, you will need to file a penalty remission form with the Treasurer. Call (419) 782-8741 for information.
Can I appeal the value of my property?
You have the right to file a complaint with the Board of Revision by March 31st. Complaints are handled through the Auditor's Office.
What if my taxes are delinquent?
You should contact the Treasurer's office immediately. A payment program is available for you. Taxes that are one or more years delinquent will be certified to the Prosecutor for Tax Foreclosure.
Do you have a payment drop box?
Yes, just off of First Street, in the alley between the post office and Key Bank.