Court Security
The Court Security staff maintains the local Holding Facility, receiving and supervising all adult prisoners from the Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio, who are awaiting court proceedings in Defiance County. The prisoners are escorted to all four courts including; Defiance County Common Pleas, Defiance County Probate/Juvenile, Domestic Relations Court, and Defiance Municipal Court. A Court Security Officer handles all arraignments for the Sheriff's Office in Municipal Court. Court Security Officers accept prisoners sentenced from all courts, as well as prisoners arrested by the Adult Parole Authority. Court Security personnel are responsible for the service of warrants and writs in all courts and extradition of prisoners from other jurisdictions. Court Security Officers also supervise the transportation of adult prisoners to all state institutions. Security is provided for all the County courts as well as the Courthouse and surrounding buildings.
Juvenile prisoners are transported by officers between the Juvenile Detention Center and Juvenile Court as well as prisoners arrested by Juvenile Probation and/or county law enforcement agencies. All juvenile prisoners are transported to the Department of Youth Services after sentencing by the court.
Court Security officers are also responsible for the Sex Offender Registration and Notification.

Gary Taylor

Laurie Szabo

Bill Vocke

Tim Dennie

Mike McClain