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Dog Licenses

  • All dogs 3 months of age or older must have tags.
  • Licenses are $24.00 from December 1 to January 31.
    After this date a $24.00 penalty will apply (total $48.00 each tag).
  • Three (3) year dog licenses are available for a cost of $72.00.
  • Permanent dog licenses are available for the cost of $240.00 and are only good for the dog it was purchased for (cannot be transferred).
  • Three (3) year and permanent tags are only available at the Auditor's Office or through on-line ordering. Cash or checks are the only form of payment accepted at the physical locations listed.
  • Dog licenses are available on-line as of December 1, 2013. This site accepts credit card payments only and a per license processing fee applies. Three year and permanent tags are available on-line only during the initial sales period of December 1 through January 31 of each year.
  • High volume breeders and Animal Rescues have new rules. Contact the Ohio Department of Agriculture at (614)-728-6201 for information.
  • Newly acquired dogs are $24.00 (within 30 days of acquisition).
  • Kennel licenses and duplicate tags are sold at the County Auditor’s Office only.
  • The kennel registration fee is $120.00. After January 31 a $120.00 penalty will apply (total $240.00 per kennel). Additional kennel tags are $1.00.
  • Duplicate tags are $5.00.

Where to Register

Dog tags are available through the Auditor’s Office.

Why Register Your Dog?

Licensing is a requirement of state law. However there is one other exceptionally good reason for licensing your dog. If your animal is missing, the dog warden can quickly notify you your pet has been found, that way you can quickly claim him. Sec 955.12 of the Ohio Revised Code allows the county to hold a licensed dog for up to 14 days, after mailing a notice of its capture to the owner, before allowing it to be either sold or destroyed. If a dog is unlicensed, the law allows it to be either destroyed or sold after only 3 days.

Service Dogs

Service dogs (guide, leader and support animals) must also be licensed, but their fee is waived. Once they are registered with the County, they are permanently licensed by receiving a special tag.

If Your Dog Moves to a New Home

The new owner is required to record the ownership change with the County Auditor. They must present a transfer of ownership certificate (available at the Auditor’s Office) and pay a transfer fee of $5.00.

Definition of "Kennel Owner"

955.02 Definition of "dog kennel" or "kennel"
As used in this chapter, "dog kennel" or "kennel " means an establishment that keeps, houses, and maintains adult dogs, as defined in section 956.01 of the Revised Code, for the purpose of breeding the dogs for a fee or other consideration received through a sale, exchange, or lease and that is not a high volume breeder licensed under Chapter 956. of the Revised Code.
Amended by 129th General Assembly File NO.150,SB 130, ~1, eff. 3/13/2013.
Effective Date: 10-01-1953

According to the Ohio Revised Code, section 955.02, a kennel owner is a “person, partnership, firm, company, or corporation professionally engaged in the business of breeding dogs for sale.” When a person breeds dogs avowedly as a hobby, “but permits sales to become such a factor that he advertises for sale” the breeding activity and dogs, that person “is professionally engaged in the business of dog breeding” and should be registered as a kennel. The term “kennel” means any pack or collection of dogs, over the age of three months, kept together for sale. Ohio Revised Code 955.04

Dog Tag Application
Dog Kennel Application

Cigarette Licenses

Anyone who wishes to engage in the wholesale or retail business of selling cigarettes in the State of Ohio must have a license to do so. Ohio Revised Code 5743.15.

Cigarette Dealers licenses are obtained at the County Auditor's office. The license period is from the 4th Monday in May to the 4th Monday in May of the following year. The applications are mailed to the dealers from the previous year around the first of May every year.

The cost of the license is $125.00 per year. New dealers that start up during the year may apply for a Cigarette Dealers license at the time of starting the business and the fee will be pro-rated per a chart distributed by the Department of Taxation.

The license does not authorize the licensee to engage in selling cigarettes at any place of business in this state other than that specified by the County Auditor. (One license is good for one location.)

Any person who employs the use of a motor vehicle to convey a supply of cigarettes from place to place for the purpose of offering such cigarettes for sale must obtain a license for each vehicle in each County in which any vehicle is used.

A cigarette dealer's license is no longer assignable. Wholesale licenses cost $1,000.00 and are only available through the Ohio Department of Taxation.

Cigarette licenses are to be displayed near the product being sold for easy inspection. If cigarettes are being sold in your place of business and you do not have a license or your vending machine does not have one displayed, please contact your local County Auditor's office.


Vendor Licenses

Every Ohio retailer (vendor) making taxable sales must obtain a vendor’s license, collect sales tax, file tax returns with payments of tax collected and maintain complete records of transactions per Ohio Revised Code: Chapter 5739.

There are different types of vendor’s licenses for different types of businesses. Depending on the nature of the business one or more of the following licenses must be obtained.

Regular Vendors License: Issued by the County Auditor to vendors with a fixed place of business in the issuing county. Vendors must have a vendor’s license for each sales location. License is valid until cancelled by the vendor through the Department of Taxation. Application fee: $25.00; No Renewal Fee

Transient Vendor’s License: Issued by the Department of Taxation to vendors who transport stocks of goods to temporary places of business in order to make sales. It is valid in all 88 counties of Ohio and replaced the Limited Vendor’s License in 9/00. Application Fee: $25.00; No Renewal Fee

Transfer of Vendor’s License: Any change in the sales location within the issuing county requires a form ST3-TL Request for Transfer of Vendor’s License that is available at the Auditor’s office and sent to the Department of Taxation. Any change in ownership requires a new license and the cancellation of the old license.

For Printable Applications click here to visit the Ohio Department of Taxation Website

If you have any questions please contact the Defiance County Auditor’s Office at (419) 782-1926 or 1-800-675-3953. The Ohio Dept of Taxation can be contacted by calling the Central Office at 1-888-405-4039.