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Compost Sites

1.       City Compost Site is available for Defiance City Residents only.  Proof of residency is required.  It is located at State Route 281 East at the GM Waste Water Treatment Entrance.

2.      Adam Snyder-NE Paulding County -(610) 401-1984

3.      Garden Scape is available to anyone, a fee may be applicable. It is located on State Route 66 North between Four County School and Archbold.

(419) 445-6561


Check with your village administrator or local authorities to determine if your town, village or city picks up leaves, brush, limbs or has a location for dropping off.

Making Your Own Composting Pile - Starting a compost pile is as simple as following a recipe and the kitchen is from where most of the compost ingredients will come from. Below are a few composting basics, including what to use and what to avoid.

How to Get Started and What is Needed

1.       Compost Bin - Make a container or buy a container to use for compost materials. The container or bin will 'store' your food scraps or smaller compostable items.

2.      Pitch Fork - The best hand tool for turning your large, outside compost pile.

3.      Location - Create your compost site at a level area, well drained and close enough to access.

Compost Recipe Ingredients

Composting components equal greens, browns, water, air and time.  Organic materials are suitable and the pile should be made up of the proper ratio of carbon-rich materials (browns) such as dry leaves, straw, wood chips and paper sacks, nitrogen rich materials (greens) such as grass clippings, kitchen scraps; egg shells, orange rinds, vegetable parings, fruit parings and coffee grounds.  The ideal ratio is 25 parts browns to 1 part greens.

Things to Avoid - Do not use any meat, fat, grease, oils, dairy, bones, animal droppings, lime or ashes.  Do not use any part of a black Walnut tree as it contains a plant poison that survives composting.  Eucalyptus leaves may also be toxic.


Composting: The Easy Two-Week Method

·         Keep ingredients small, no more than two inches in size.

·         Don't layer materials.  Mix ingredients either before or after shredding and chopping.

·         Pile in heaps of no more than 5 feet.

·         Turn the pile from the inside out, on a daily basis for usable compost in two weeks.  Turn every other day for compost in three weeks.

·         When the pile is smaller and the color is dark brown, your compost is ready to use.

Other Composting Tips

·         Keep the pile moist but not soggy. If it is too wet, it will smell.  If it is too dry, decomposition will be very slow.

·         An ammonia odor may indicate an imbalance mix of ingredients. Add sawdust to control odors.

·         Grass clipping break down quickly and contain as much nitrogen as manure.

·         Avoid meat and fish scraps, these may attract rodents and cause problems.

·         When the pile is smaller and the color is dark brown, your compost is ready to use.