Education and Outreach
The Defiance County Environmental &
Administrative Services partnered with Soil and Water
Conservation to present to more classrooms, students,
teachers and organizations to reach and teach about: litter
prevention, reduce, reuse, recycle, soils conservation,
water conservation, composting and environmental issues,
problems, and possible resolutions.
The presentations are geared to the age group.
Kindergarten presentations are normally conducted in March
and April of each year. We give a short discussion on litter
and recycling using a recycled book bag filled with
recyclables. The presenter assists the students to make an
earth bracelet. The bracelet consists of an elastic string
and six different colored beads. Each bead represents
something in our environment such as brown for dirt, green
for the earth, etc. After the bracelets are made everyone
talks about the colors and what they represent. In addition
to the bracelet, goodies such as coloring books, recycling
stickers, notepads, litter bags, pens, rulers, etc. are
handed out to each student and teacher.
The presentations for the 2nd grade classes include
an activity called 'Fishing for Litter Habits'. The students
join in by fishing for labeled fish with litter habits and
deciding as group if the habit is a good litter habit or a
bad litter habit. This presentation also includes a lively
discussion about litter and recycling.
The 4th graders participate in a hands-on activity
called 'Mining for Natural Resources'. This is an activity
in which the students are given a chocolate chip cookie and
must mine using a toothpick (our form of a pick-ax) for
chocolate chips (natural resources) without creating more
waste. The less waste that is created through mining, saves
the earth from land and air pollution. There is also a
stimulating discussion on how mining uses the earth's
natural resources and how recycling saves the earth from
additional mining.
Presentations can be adapted for pre-schools in the
County and presentations for organizations, businesses,
colleges, are also available. If you would like more
information regarding a presentation, please contact the
Defiance County Environmental and Administrative Services
office at (419) 782-5442.