Great American Clean Up 2008 Results
The 2008 Great American Cleanup (GAC) of Ohio was a tremendous success!! Sponsored nationally by Keep America Beautiful, the GAC is the nation’s largest community improvement program and takes place annually between March 1st and May 31st.
Keep Ohio Beautiful affiliates organized 891 events with over 50,000 volunteers during the three month period! 116,938 volunteer hours were given to clean up and green up activities.
- 5,433,234 lbs. of litter were collected from March to May
- 3,873 miles of Ohio roadways were cleaned.
- 576,723 lbs of tires were collected for recycling
- 475,690 lbs. of electronics were collected for recycling.
- 9,418 trees were planted.
- 105,012 flowers and bulbs were planted.
- 29,895 children attended a presentation given by KOB affiliates.